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Article: Dreadlocks Care Tips

Dreadlocks Care Tips

  1. Wash your dreadlocks once a week, but do not every day.
  2. Wash locs with warm water, dont soak your dreads for more than a few monents at a time.
  3. Wash locs with sulfate-free shampoo, work it into locs, starting at the scalp, slowly work your way down to the ends, let the shampoo sit in your locs for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Rinse your locs throughly after using shapoo from scalp to ends, as rinsing, squeeze your dreadlocks to remove the shampoo.
  5. Squeeze the water out of your dreadlocks after washing and use a towel to pat you scalp and dreadlocks completely dry, never rub your locs with towel.
  6. Never style or add product to your dreadlocks when they are wet, this can cause then to smell or grow mildew.
  7. Retwist and Crochet your locs as needed when they begin to loosen.
  8. Use a spray-on moiturizer as needed to keep your locs shiny and smooth.
  9. Sleep with a silk scarf on your hair to protect it from damage.

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